As I was going through the pictures in my camera, tiba2 i felt the urge to share these cute pics of my handsome little (welll, quite little) princes at home... I'm sure it has been quite a while since u guys met them...dulu2 still kecik and montel..sekarang nie.. if ana dukung budak2 nie, berjela2..haha..dah besar panjang, tapi masing2 perasan baby lagi..haha. The picture was mostly taken by Aiman, so gambar dia takde..huhu
I'an I'in sedang ber'eyah-'eyah di rumah, i'm not really sure what character though, ninja turtle kot ...Farihan atas, Farihin bawah

or maybe..samurai..or jackey chan..hmm..i ddont know..hang tuah maybe..hihi..[Farihan, Farihin]
but suddenly 'someone' realised that they havent baca quran yet...terus tukar costume and baca quran dengan khusyuknya as if dah lama baca...haha..(tengok at the leftside of the pic, tak sempat simpan costume)..[Farihan, Farihin]
I'an I'in also have a nasyeed group..dianggotai oleh mereka berdua=).. they planned to have this as their cover album..hehe[Farihin, Farihan]
This was their Birthday pose on 15th Feb [Farihan, Farihin]
Another cute twin pose..=)
Also bergaya dengan kopiah yang kak Tikah bought from her trip R2J3 (Road to Jawa 3) farihin senget..
oh, not forgetting..their birthday cake that Mama made, and kak Tikah help.. and me tolong tengok
Thanks Aiman for the great photo shots... ur quite good actually tangkap2 gambar nie..cume kadang2 gerak sket2 je..hehe...keep it up..
To Farihan Farihin... dengarlah and patuhlah cakap ayah mama, ...and kakak-kakak, and abang awak yea.... moga jadi anak yang soleh dan berakhlak mulia, and musleh dengan orang2 disekeliling antum. Be a good good boys okay you two...we will always love you, no matter how different u guys are..tak kesah mana abang.. mana adik... [Farihin, Farihan]
p.s: dah hbis type baru perasan, i havent bitau pun which one is Farihan, and which is Farihin.. assuming u guys would know..hoh0... so, the name in the square bracket shows which one is which..=)..wassalam
They are so darn cute! Moga membesar menjadi mujaheed!
InsyaAllah..harap2 nye semua adik2 kita camtu... =)
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