Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Redirecting...I have to

I don't like it, when I felt like I don't know what to do
when I started to be pessimistic, when I start comparing myself with others,
when I felt so small, when I don't see what I had, instead, I kept wishing for what others have,

I don't like it when I think I have a problem, but unable to solve it, bcz I don't know what the problem is.
It's wierd kan,
I don't like it when i think that I'm different, when I not in the group.. yet, I love to be alone

I don't like it when I'm like this...

STOP it..
~~Astaghfirullahal Azdeem~~~

These feeling comes when kita merasakan diri ini mampu untuk mengawal hidup ini, sedangkan ada satu lagi step, yakni berserah. Do the best that you can, and then leave it ALL to HIM. and see what happends, for He will always give the best to His beloved, those who trust in Him.

So in the end I decide.. I trust you Allah, I give everything to you, and I believe what ever happens, you will never fail me.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bagai air yang menggelegak


Sungguh benar apa yang dikatakan oleh kekasih kita,
hati itu ibarat air yang sedang menggelegak.
Ku rasakan, baru saja hati ini 'penuh',
bahagia dengan suatu kekuatan yang tidak dapat diungkapkan rasa puasnya.
Tetapi rasa itu hilang sebentar,
dan kini ku rasainya semula.

Sungguh mudah untuk hati ini berubah.
Ku ingin sentiasa begitu ya Allah, tetap dan thabat, setia dan terus istiqomah.

Janganlah Engkau golongkan aku dalam golongan yang tercicir itu.....